How do you get rid of your anxious thoughts? How do you settle yourself enough to hear God’s voice? Before anything else happens, what do you need?

First, Peace


Can I do enough to make it to heaven? Is it up to me? What is the criteria?



If you were to aspire to become like Jesus, where should you start?

On Humility


How do you know when you are making a good decision? How can you tell if someone’s motivation toward you is good? What is your process for thinking correctly?

Wise Decision Making


Where can I go to feel comfortable with the ‘Grit’ that life shovels out? How do I process my inside world? How can I tune my attitude?

How to Read the Psalms


What do you do when big life hits? Where do you go when it feels like the bottom of everything just fell out? Who do you talk to when you feel like God has let you down? What do you do: When you feel like it is wrong to ask these questions…

The Job and Revelation Tool


Here is a powerful tool. Mastering Obstacles will change the way that you do life. You will need to approach with tenacity relying on the promise that, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4, NIV)

Mastering Obstacles


The Joseph Document is a compilation of twenty blogs that I did in 2017 on the life and surrounding story of the historic Joseph found in Genesis, starting in chapter 37.

Other than the story of Jesus, there may not be a more impacting and compelling Bible story in my adult life than the story of Joseph.

The story is full of innocent naivety, family dysfunction, and betrayal, brutal and cruel captivity. It shows life’s underside and how even that works for a bigger plan when God is involved, and by the way, God is always involved if we dare to look.

So, take the time. Use this tool to lift you and inspire the drama in your life for good. I guarantee that Joseph will speak from the ancient pages of history and will return the hope that you thought was gone for good.

Without modern communication, social media, church attendance, and face-to-face friends, Joseph was able to preserve his faith and equilibrium.

You can too.

The Joseph Document

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