Joseph Series: Think Outside The …

The circumstances you find yourself in

The pain that is in your heart

The broken relationship that you can’t fix

The disease that will not quit

The home that has been broken and shattered


The great plans you have for your year

The retirement that for which you can hardly wait

The new House

The new Car

The new Job


The new sweetheart you have on the side

The plans of discarding all that is right and true

The one night stand


Think outside the box that you find yourself in.

Joseph had to. He had to look for more than childhood dreams. They just weren’t working out how he had envisioned them. The prison box that he was held captive in did not house the dream that was in his heart.

All he had left were hopes and dreams, and you know? They were probably too small.

What box, what pressure cooker are you living in? Perhaps, the very thing creating all the pressure is forming you, for the better, the best.


Let’s Talk

You Don’t Have To Live; You Get To!